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WEBINAR - Sectorial Approaches to Responsible Sourcing


Responsible sourcing is an increasingly important topic for companies. COVID-19 has presented us with major challenges and strengthening supply chain resilience and rethinking of systems is now more urgent than ever.

Many companies join sector initiatives to make sure their sourcing is done responsibly. Both CSR Europe’s Drive Sustainability, an initiative of the automotive industry, and AIM-Progress, an initiative for the consumer goods sector, have quite some experience in facilitating sector initiatives on responsible sourcing and sustainability.

In our experience and through contacts with other sectors we see a number of common challenges. This webinar will explore these challenges and will seek ways to leverage the solutions that emerged from different initiatives.

Join this Webinar to:

  • Gain more information on the priority issues and activities in responsible sourcing ;

  • Exchange with sector associations and sector initiatives on the challenges to implement responsible sourcing practices;

  • Find out how collaboration with other sector associations and initiatives could add value to your work

Who should join:

  • Sector and Industry Associations

  • Interested companies

View the Agenda.

The event is for CSR Europe members-only.